Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Recap on the last 6 months of my Journey

Last summer I realized that I had reached a point where I was no longer comfortable with myself and knew that the best way to improve my self esteem was to start loosing weight, again. I, like everyone else have looked into other diets and hate that they want me to read a book or only eat from their daily menu. Obviously the worst part about just about every diet that I have tried is that I get into a slump when I realize how much it is going to cost and give up after about a week or overeat and end up gaining not loosing....

So I decided to talk to my Mom. She suggested a diet that she did when she was younger to loose weight. I tried it...my menu consisted of Chicken, Rice and a Vegetable.Needless to say there are only so many spices that you can add to chicken and rice and so many different vegetables that you can eat without butter...I lasted about 2 and a half weeks on this diet and surprisingly lost 6 lbs.So I decided to use this as a jump start and looked into other options...

I spoke with a woman I work with who has been on Weight Watchers for as long as I have known her about whether or not it was a program that I should start or look into. She highly recommended the program and suggested that instead of waiting that I start that day.

So I decided to start that afternoon. I signed up for Weight Watchers and have to say that I am impressed.  With Weight Watchers, I eat what I want, just in proportion. And there are a ton of recipes on their website that are usually written out to proportion. I immediately saw the weight start to fall off. And after 13 weeks I can say that I have lost 13 lbs.

So in total I have somehow managed not only to stick with a diet for more than 2 weeks, but I've also lost a total of 19 lbs. Yes I have had my weeks of no loss and of course the holidays did yield a few days where I gained weight, but overall, I'm impressed not only with my progress but also the program.

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