Thursday, January 06, 2011

7461 Steps

7461 Steps. The number of steps I took yesterday between when I got up at 5:30 and went to bed at 9:15.

It's a number that I can improve on, and need to improve on.

So I survived getting up and working out two mornings in a row and I have to say that today I'm feeling much better this time of the afternoon than I did yesterday.

Wednesdays are always my longest days. It might be that it's "hump day" or the fact that I don't have the luxury of going straight home afterwork. Instead I spend my Wednesday evenings bowling. Now you're probably thinking that bowling can't possibly work any muscles, but trust me it does. I know if I take a week off, I feel it from my shoulder to my wrist (obviously) but also from the middle of my back down my butt to my calves as well. And after 3 games, I was wiped out last night. And to my surprise I even bowled well.

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